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Discover Optimax

We are a world leader in high precision optical manufacturing, delivering custom optics to a wide range of innovators around the globe. Meeting these goals demands the right people. Teamwork, adaptability, and an enthusiastic approach to problem-solving are central to the Optimax culture. But what unites all our employees best is a hunger to continuously learn. We strive to find driven individuals who are committed to lifelong learning; who will continue to add value in their work throughout long and successful careers.




Innovation creates opportunity, and at Optimax, we aim to take advantage of every development in optics manufacturing. Our goal is to adopt new technologies early and to implement new production paradigms to maintain our cutting-edge in optical manufacturing.

Our research and development (R&D) department was established to identify opportunities to help us exceed our clients’ requirements. We are proactive regarding R&D, enabling us to take on the most challenging projects in optics production.

Research & Development


Our quotes are structured to offer standard pricing and delivery – quicker delivery options are available upon request.



Discover how Optimax is changing the future of optics, and view our extensive library of resources.



We are looking for individuals that are committed to lifelong learning and creating value through their hard work.


Research & Development at Optimax

Our ongoing development, whether it’s a technology developed during SBIR projects or through other projects, allows us to enhance the high-precision optics that we offer to all our customers.

Optimax has received a number of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants over the years. These grants, administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Technology, allow government programs to benefit from small businesses’ nimble development to commercialize new technologies.

Complete list of SBIR Projects

Types of Optics

Optimax is a world-class manufacturer of precision optics. Our capabilities incorporate a wide range of manufacturing technologies from which we can engineer solutions that best fit your requirements. Fabrication capabilities range from conventional machinery to highly deterministic CNC machining.

Tools & Charts

Explore our sales tools and charts designed to streamline the optics products selection process and to ensure we deliver the highest quality optics for your laser systems.

Manufacturing the Future

At Optimax, we are manufacturing the future, creating the highest precision optics underlying high-tech systems in key markets and applications. We offer rapid and expedited delivery upon request and are committed to our customers in the long term.

Submit an RFQ to start building your relationship with one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of custom optics.

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Optimax develops optics solutions to suit a variety of needs. Our industry-leading custom optics are developed by expert engineers. Discover our expertise, solutions, and opportunities today.

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